PRACTICAL PHYSICS - Dr. Giasuddin Ahmed and Md. Shahabuddin
PRACTICAL PHYSICS by DR. Giasuddin Ahmed and Md. Shahabuddin is an essential book for any Science and technology University subject. If you are having Physics course in your syllabus then you must need to go through this . So, this download will help you a lot in your university practical results.
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- Accounting
- Algorithms
- Computer Fundamentals
- Computer Organization & Architecture
- Data Structure
- Discrete Mathematics
- E-Books
- Electrical Circuits -1 [DC]
- Introduction to Database
- Lab
- Lecture Slides
- Math 1 (Defferential Calculus & Co-ordinate Geometry)
- Math 2 (Integral Calculus amp; Ordinary Differential Equations)
- Physics 01 (Mechanics
- Physics 02 (Electricity
- Principles of Accounting
- Principles of Economics
- Programming Language 1 (C)
- Programming Language 2 (C++)
- Sample Questions
- Software
- Tutorial
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